July 27, 2024

“Education is key to unlocking the potential in every child’s life”

6th Annual Charity Dinner

After a 3-year break due to the covid situation, the annual LifePNG Care charity event is finally back! It will be held at Dynasty Restaurant, Vision City Mega Mall, on Friday, October 28th, 2022.

K5,000 for corporate tables and K500 for individuals. Contact cpyakio@gmail.com or call 73476302 for details on how to donate. It’s for the kids!

2 thoughts on “Annual CHARITY EVENT IS BACK!

  1. I thank God that he will bless you (the organization admin) because you have a heart for orphans and struggling students, The Lord God cares for such people but He can’t physically come and help them but He uses others to show His love for them and You are the greatest group God choosed among millions to help others so he’ll bless you infinitly continue the good work.

  2. Dear Director,
    Life PNG Care
    I have been informed of the lovely work of your institution that has moved the lives of certain young individuals. I have a background of a teacher who has aways shared the same view as Life PNG Care and i wish to provide coordination office for Northern Province if given the opportunity to establish the program here in Popondetta.
    Yours in Care PNG


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